Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rehearsals, Studying, A Hospital Visit and Senior Banquet

Rehearsals, Papers, A Hospital Visit and Senior Banquet...seems like a enough for one week :)

Sharing a table with Lindsey and her wall of senior thesis material was one of the happy highlights of this entire week. 

After a good day of studying and a long walk with my favorite man, I came home to watch a film for class in the basement where, apparently, the day's spring cleaning had stirred up something I'm highly allergic to. By 2 am my eyes were swelling up and my throat was closing so we decided to head to the ER just in case. Some adrenaline and a lot of Benadryl later, I was just fine. 

Thanks to the Benadryl and the same paper which I've been working on all week, I saw a lot of this view. 

And this view...

And happily this view! :)

Easter Vigil rehearsals...

And Senior Banquet tonight! So many memories and feelings... 

And finally back to the gym after a week of Benadryl :) Time on the bike allowed me to start the next book for my World History which is already making me think, and cry, and go a little numb all at once. 

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